So, I am determined to stop traveling the "go nowhere" road I am on, and make a right turn on the road to simplicity.. I want a simple life, a quiet life full of simple pleasures. And they are here for the finding. I am inspired by a young lady who seems to find pleasure in the smallest of things... How ironic that she is only 18, yet she is so tuned into life. I am 47, and have let alot of simple things pass me by without truly appreciating them. So I am setting goals, and will by the grace of God, make memories of simple moments that last a lifetime, and become a better steward with what little money I do have!

Things I shall do... ( I will add to this list as I commit to more )
**Read the Bible again.. every day!**
1. Take time each day to notice one thing I havent noticed before about Gods beautiful world...
2. Take a extra moment to enjoy that first cup of morning coffee, the smell, the taste, the delightful warmth of it on a cool autumn morning.
3. Make a effort to step outside and enjoy the autumn smells, sounds, and sights, each day, no matter how bad I am feeling, or how low my fibromyalgia has taken me.
4. Take a moment each day to hug and kiss each one of my children, and remind them how much I love them.. (I am pretty good about this one :) )
5. Smile and greet at a least 2 strangers each time I go shopping, some people never get a smile at home, and I know I bask in a smile from a total stranger.
6. Put at Least 5 dollars ( cost of a good latte) into a savings stash for every day I don't spend a penny... wow think how much I could save if i did that!
7. Try to use whats in my pantry for supper instead of buying so much groceries.
8. Start shopping with lists
9. Make a weekly menu, and shop for whats on sale.
10. Become better at turning off lights in the house.
11. Get up earlier.. boy this is hard for me because I can never go to sleep until wee hours of the morning.!!
12. Take a walk twice a week.
13. Take up a craft ... I have so much scrapbooking stuff, and never take the time to do it.. even though with me not working I have LOTS of time!
14. Tell at least one person, each day how special they are just by calling or sending a note... myspace friends, family etc.
15. Find or take a picture of something that brings me Simple Joy each day... post it here for reminders when I need it, that God has given us so much to enjoy.. we dont have to pay for it, we dont have to build it, or create it, its here for our pleasure.. already, . Gods Simple Joys...
16. Do away with clutter in my life.. both real, and emotional clutter.. clean out my house, and my heart.
17. Work on using my time wisely, every moment wasted is a moment lost.
18.Watch less tv.
19. Bake from scratch more often.