Friday, September 19, 2008

Picture Perfect World

Today was a good day.. Tiff and Brady and I went for a drive out through the country... came upon a little pond with a weeping willow tree.. how lovely ;)I love the country, driving down old roads in the backwoods is so relaxing, you just never know what you will see! We just wandered and stopped to take a few pictures here and there, I love pictures.. sometimes the things that we fail to notice can be the most beautiful gifts God gives us, and we let them pass us by....I am trying hard to really pay attention to the earth and all its goodness...
So Today I am thankful for...these Gifts from God.

28. Living in the that I can really enjoy the Goodness of God's Green Earth,

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29. For God creating the Weeping willow tree, something so magical about its warm embrace... it feels like your always welcome under a willow tree, it covers you in its shade, and hides you from the troubles of life...if only for a moment or two...

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30. For the fields of wheat almost ready for beautiful the countryside...

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31. For the portraits that God himself paints upon the water...

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32. For Lovely Country Roads...

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33. For the trees that shade us, and stand guard ore the earth...

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34. For ponds and trees, lakes and seas..abundant life lives in these...

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35. For grace and love and all the above!!


Jillian said...

I love weeping willows :)
and your mosaic-like photo of the water is awesome!