So its a week into the new year.. I guess I should have written before now.. but hey I am a procrastinator! I just realized I havent blogged in over a month! The Holidays have kept me busy, and now life returns to semi-normal. I guess I need to make a resolution to stop procrastinating. I did make a few New Years Resolutions, and to keep myself in check, I will write them here.
1. Again, I aim to delve into Gods Word Each and every day.. I desire a closer walk with my creator, and I know that reading and studying the Bible is the very essence of creating a deeper relationship with my God. I have done well so far, not missed a day :)
2. I want to be more preservering.. moving forward, and not letting my aches and pains drag me down so much. Life with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis is a challenge in itself, but I need to push myself a little harder.
3. I want to cultivate my friendships. I need friends, and I surely love people, I just need to be more adamant about staying in touch with those who mean so much to me.
those are for now, but for me every day is a new start, and each day I can resolve to do things that further Gods kingdom. God help me to do your will. Amen.
Now for being Thankful...
38. Today I am thankful for the desire to Get back into church.. and the ability to forgive .. I was hurt and resentful of some things, but Gods Mercy and his love have allowed me to get past that hurt. I know that some people are just not friendly, and I need to learn to not get my feelings hurt by people who ignore me or dont want a friend ship with me. I do believe however that as Gods children, it is our duty to be a friend, and to love others in Christ. Some people appear to be very unfriendly and lacking in love for their brothers and sisters in Christ, but I dont know their heart or soul, so I will not judge them, but rather pray for them.. and forgive them for the slight, real or imagined. I need to be more understanding, and forgiving, and I need to remember that God loves me, whether someone else does or not.
39. I am thankful for some very special people at my church. I, being a mother of young adults and a pre teen, love to be around younger people, they light up my life with their enthusiasum and excitement. I must mention a young person in particular who insires me ... She is a beautiful young lady named Jillian Pye. This young lady has a heart unlike any I have ever seen... she if full of love,for God, for her family, her husband, her church, her friends, and anyone else that she meets. She loves most unconditionally, whether they be young or old, rich or poor, sick or healthy, she is never afraid to give a hug, or a beautiful smile, or a word of encouragement to anyone. If God is looking down and checking to world to find someone who loves as he commands I am sure he sees her love light shining all the way from heaven. I am so thankful for this young lady.. she is a Blessing.
40. I am thankful for my husband who seems to be changing for the better, he is becoming the person I knew was hidden deep inside.. he has had a rough life, and he has that rough exterior, the kind where you are never sure if he cares or not.. but lately he is opening up, being more emotional, and I am thankful for that!
41. I am thankful that even though I am only human, God forgives and gives me Grace New each day. Thankful for Gods forgiveness.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Posted by Pam at 4:07 PM
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